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Educational Programs

The Department for Educational Programs oversees state and federal categorical funds and the requirements of the funds that directly flow to school district programs and sites.  Oversight entails the applications for the funding, monitoring the receipt of the funding, budget development and distribution of funding.  Monitoring compliant use of the funding is an ongoing responsibility of this office.
Implementation of the program requirements of Title I, as required by the Elementary & Secondary Education Act, is a responsibility of this office.  Other Federal programs include Title II, Title III, Perkins and Migrant.  
This department also coordinates the state testing program-English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) and Smarter Balance Assessment.  This includes setting the testing calendar, providing training to site coordinators, ensuring accurate data for state reporting, and interpreting test results to assist in making decisions for the district's rigorous instructional program.
Sites receive assistance and support for the development of annual School Site Plans (SPSAs) and School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs) along with other Federal and State Accountability requirements to include the Local Education Agency (LEA) Plan, and the Local Control Accountability Plan.
This department also oversees the Special Education programs in KCUSD. Special Education services are provided for children beginning as infants through age 22.  KC Kids services infants through preschool, providing both student and parent support.  Kindergarten through high school services are provided through each individual site, including speech therapy and Resource Specialist Program.  District Special Day Classes are located at Great Western, Jefferson, Conner, Citrus, Orange Cove and Reedley High School.

Educational Programs Department Contacts

Ron Pack
Administrator for Educational Programs
(559) 305-7013

Maria Elena Velasco
Administrative Assistant
(559) 305-7008

Sharon Matsuzaki
Data and Accountability Coordinator
(559) 305-7385

Agustin Villarreal
Migrant Coordinator 
(559) 305-7009

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